Alonso Del ArteIn Wolfram Mathematica, you can have two pure functions on one lineShort post, just wanted to share a neat little discovery I made earlier today. For those of you with lots of experience with Wolfram…Nov 30, 2018Nov 30, 2018
Thomas GöllesWolfram Language (Mathematica) vs. Python for data science projectsThere are many blog posts comparing R and Python for data science but there are only a few about Wolfram vs. Python. In this post I will…Feb 12, 20195Feb 12, 20195
InPractical codingbyOliver K. Ernst, Ph.D.7 tricks for beautiful plots with MathematicaWhy are the simple things so non-intuitive?Jul 15, 2020Jul 15, 2020
InTDS ArchivebyDamian EjlliMachine Learning With MathematicaAn introduction to the main conceptsMar 11, 2022Mar 11, 2022
InTech-Based Teaching: Computational Thinking in the ClassroombyTech-Based Teaching EditorTeaching STEM Online with MathematicaWhen using the Mathematica classroom assistant, I have no need for paper and pencil.Jun 29, 2017Jun 29, 2017
Sourav DattaChemistry Inspired Programming with Wolfram MathematicaEver since I watched this fantastic talk by Carin Meier, I’ve been thinking about unconventional programming. This is one of the few great…Jun 4, 2023Jun 4, 2023
Brad RothLaTeX and MathematicaGene Surdutovich and I are hard at work on the 6th edition of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology. So far, the main thrust of our…Jun 16, 2023Jun 16, 2023
MonsteraTechMake publishable plots in MathematicaWolfram Mathematica can be an amazing visualizing tool, but the default plot style doesn’t fit well in scientific publications.Sep 9, 20231Sep 9, 20231
InTech-Based Teaching: Computational Thinking in the ClassroombyTech-Based Teaching EditorLearning through Patterns: Using Sliders in Mathematica to Investigate Polar EquationsMathematica offers a great way for students to visually explore polar equations—and practice computational thinking, to boot.Mar 21, 2019Mar 21, 2019
InTech-Based Teaching: Computational Thinking in the ClassroombyTech-Based Teaching EditorClass Notes, Quizzes and Weather Alerts with Mathematica and the Wolfram LanguageWhat can you do with the Wolfram Language? Notes, quizzes, weather alerts and more!Jun 24, 2021Jun 24, 2021